• Pavel Zelenka, MBA, Director

    Pavel Zelenka, MBA

    Pavel Zelenka, MBA, graduated from a military college with a focus on military economics. During his military career, he has held various positions, including international UN and OSCE missions. Pavel Zelenka has also worked for more than three years in NATO / EU structures in the field of international standards development. After completing his military career, he worked as the executive director of the subsidiary of České aerolinie, Inc. In the years 2010 – 2019 he focused on project management in the field of international trade and in 2018 he obtained the title of Master Business of Administration – International Executive.  In 2019, he started working in the structures of the CzechTrade Trade Promotion Agency and from January 2020 he worked as director at the CzechTrade foreign office in Baku with operations in Azerbaijan and Georgia.  Pavel Zelenka has many years of experience in the field of international trade, export support of Czech business and scientific entities (export of services, products, patents, transfer of production, etc.) and also with work within the structures of international organizations. Pavel Zelenka is fluent in English, French and Russian.

    Contact: pavel.zelenka@czechtrade.cz