Future MEPs Were Briefed by CEBRE Founders

Before May election of the new Members of the European Parliament, CEBRE founders discussed their priorities regarding EU affairs with Czech candidates on 31st March, 2014. 

The main message was that there is a need to join forces when defending national interests in the EU and be ambitious with regards to the portfolio, which will be given to the new Commissioner from the Czech Republic. Better coordination is also needed with future MEPs from the Visegrad Group who might have similar views on the issues discussed. Last but not least, new MEPs should also more efficiently cooperate with the national Parliament, not only with regards to early warnings, but also in transposition of EU directives. 

Furthermore, CEBRE founders briefed the candidates on their priorities in different areas relevant to business such as energy and climate change, transport, Internal Market, finance and labour market.

Volume XIII, 3-2014
