December 8, 2016

New issue of Czech Business Today!


The last issue of e-newsletter Czech Business Today of this year focuses on the revision of Energy Efficiency Directive, which is one of the main initiatives of the European Commission’s winter energy package. It sets new binding target of 30% increase in energy efficiency by 2030. Furthermore, you can read about the upcoming European Commission initiative called Single Market Information Tool, which will be used to collect quantitative and qualitative information directly from selected market players.

Raising Energy Efficiency Must Be Cost-effective

On the second page you can read about the initiative to support start-ups and scale-ups. The main idea is to eliminate obstacles that prevent start-ups from being established and scale-ups from growing. In the regular column of the European Economic and Social Committee, Vladimír Novotný, member of the employers’ group expresses his thoughts on the new electricity market design proposal and its possible impact on costumers.