February 10, 2009

Debate on market liberalization: YES to indirect support, NO to direct support!

Press releases

The liberalization of international trade is a part of the solution to economic crisis. Protectionist measures, on the contrary, can worsen the crisis and create more barriers to world trade. Therefore, it is necessary to continue the removal of technical barriers, maintain constructive dialogue with other economic partners and protect the intellectual property and industrial rights, agreed the participants of the debate held on the 4th February organized by CEBRE with CzechTrade in the European House in Prague.

To avoid the creation of further restrictive measures and to use the crisis to improve the quality of products, investment in innovation, education and better public governance are the words voiced on 3rd February at a conference held in Prague, organized by the Czech Presidency. The European Commission on this occasion introduced the results of a study on the development of the EU’s competitiveness in international trade for the years 1995–2005. Commission indicated the positive contribution of EU enlargement and the excellent position of European products on world markets.

 Achievement of multilateral trade liberalization, the so-called Doha Development Round, follow-up of negotiations on agreements on free movement with South Korea, India, dialogue with China, protection of industrial property rights and removal of technical barriers are the priorities of the Czech Presidency, together with the European Commission, agreed during the CEBRE debate Patricia BRENNEROVA from the Czech Ministry of Industry and Trade with Rosemary MARLENE MADSEN from the European Commission. A joint effort of European institutions and Member States to enhance cooperation in territories outside the EU is a way to achieve the set priorities.

Competition in global markets raises the demand for high quality of products, require investment in innovation, marketing and new technologies. “By way of encouraging innovation and improved economic diplomacy, for which I see, in particular, providing flexible assistance to exporters in the initial phase of access to the markets of third countries, can contribute effectively to the process of removing barriers to the development of their activities in markets outside the EU,” said Director-General of CzechTrade Ivan JUKL“Closer cooperation with the European Commission and better use of its tools and information through CEBRE is our goal for the next period,” stressed JUKL. CEBRE is ready for this role. “It is able to draw attention to unused capacity, new initiatives of the European Commission and involve businesses in the preparation of legislation in the field of international trade”. Greater attention and publicity deserves, for instance, database MADB which hides valuable information,” says Alena VLACIHOVA from CEBRE.

“Direct aid to governments – as opposed to indirect aid, is not a solution to the crisis. World businesses encourage the rapid completion of the Doha round, however, remain skeptical of the results,” pointed out Jaromír DRABEK, President of the Czech branch of the International Chamber of Commerce ICC. “Better regulation and reform of European policy aiming to become more modern with effective tools and with business interest are the conditions for potential growth and possibility of importation of goods into the EU,” said Michal SEVERA, vice-president of the Association trade and tourism CR. At the end, SEVERA invited participants to conference Direct sale to be held in Prague on 11th February in Hotel Jalta at 10.00am.

Debate CEBRE – Czech Business Representation to the EU the Czech Republic took place in cooperation with CzechTrade on 5th February at the European Commission Representation in Prague. For further information please see www.cebre.cz/en/docs/trade liberalization or contact Director CEBRE Michal Kadera, tel: +32 2 2139 450, Fax: +32 2 2139 451, E-mail: mail@ cebre.europe.be.

PRESS RELEASE: Debate on market liberalization: YES to indirect support, NO to direct support!