Czech Business Today
Volume XVII, 3-2018
New Deal for Consumers, no deal for businesses
In April, the European Commission proposed a New Deal for Consumers which should strengthen EU consumer rights and… continue reading »
MEPs Corner
“A New Deal for Consumers has a potential to reinforce consumer rights and at the same time contribute to a fairer… continue reading »
Czech priorities for Brexit negotiations
On 12th April, the EU chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier visited Prague, where he met Czech Prime Minister Andrej… continue reading »
EESC CORNER: Intellectual property package
Intellectual property systems are a crucial tool for innovation and growth and enable companies, creators and inventors… continue reading »
Flash news
Barnier prepares the ground for a smooth ratification of the future EU-UK treaty
The EU’s chief negotiator for Brexit Michel Barnier has started preparing the ground for a smooth approval of the future treaty with the UK. The future treaty, certainly with mixed competences, will require the ratification of the European Parliament and national, or in some cases regional, parliaments. As part of his capital tour, Barnier discussed the Brexit issue with the Czech government, the Czech Parliament and various stakeholders in Prague on April 19th.
Czechs are ready to pay more in the EU budget
At the beginning of April, EU Commissioner Günther Oettinger visited the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Parliament. Oettinger discussed with Czech MPs the EU Multiannual Financial Framework after 2020 that must reflect new priorities and Brexit. Czech MPs stated that the Czech Republic is ready to react on the need of an increase in EU budget in connection with Brexit.
GDPR – lost momentum
The Czech Republic will apparently not be able to approve a draft amendment to the law, which will specify the new European rules for the protection of personal data. We are therefore losing the momentum to use national legislation that could specify GDPR rules within the Czech context.