CEBRE calendar


Flash news

  • 5.6% Drop in Czech GDP in 2020

    The decline in Czech GDP in 2020 is tentatively estimated at 5.6%. This is significantly less than the original spring estimates. The results for the last quarter also confirmed the importance of exports. In the last quarter of 2020, Czech GDP fell by a preliminary 5% yearly, and increased slightly by 0.3% compared to previous quarter, mainly thanks to foreign demand.

  • Czech company doctors allowed to vaccinate

    From May, company doctors and healthcare providers are allowed to help with vaccinations. The aim is to contribute to faster vaccination of people in the Czech Republic.

  • Simple and stable system is a good guarantee of sorting waste

    Czechia ranks second in the EU in terms of sorting waste. 73 percent of the Czech population is actively involved in sorting waste. The reason behind the success is mainly the simplicity of the sorting system, which has remained unchanged for a long time.