
Flash news

  • Czech companies want to participate effectively in the reconstruction of Ukraine

    EU institutions can significantly improve the ability of Czech companies to participate effectively in Ukraine’s reconstruction. This includes providing the necessary financial, technical and regulatory support. The Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic has therefore formulated specific needs and objectives of Czech business in relation to involvement in the reconstruction of Ukraine addressed to the European Commission.

    Source: The Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic

  • Czech movemenet ANO wins the European Parliament elections, winning seven seats

    This year’s elections to the European Parliament were won by the opposition ANO movement, which won seven of the 21 seats reserved for the Czech Republic. The second place went to the coalition of the ruling parties Together (ODS, KDU-ČSL and TOP 09), which will take six seats. In third place was a coalition of the Přísaha movement and the Motoristi sobě party with two seats. Two seats were also won by the Stačilo! coalition led by the KSČM and the ruling STAN movement. Piráti and the coalition of the SPD and Trikolora will have one MEP each. The other groups did not exceed the five percent threshold. Voter turnout was 36.45 percent, the highest since the Czech Republic joined the EU, the Czech Statistical Office said.
