As the dust settles from the recent elections, the Czech Republic has chosen its 21 Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) who will represent the nation’s interests in Brussels for the next five years. This pivotal moment marks a blend of continuity and change, with a significant number of seasoned representatives re-elected and a wave of fresh faces entering the political arena.

The mandate of 10 out of the 14 voters’ confidence in their experience and dedication. Meanwhile, several new incumbent MEPs who sought re-election was renewed, demonstrating politicians have also earned the trust of the electorate, promising to bring fresh perspectives and energy to the European Parliament. Here, we provide an overview of all the elected Czech MEPs and their envisioned roles in shaping the future of the EU.

The selected candidates represent the following parties: ANO 2011; SPOLU (ODS, KDU-ČSL, TOP 09); PŘÍSAHA a MOTORISTÉ; STAČILO! (coalition KSČM, SD-SN, ČSNS); Starostové a osobnosti pro Evropu; Česká pirátská strana; SPD a Trikolora

Volume XXII, 4-2024
