CEBRE calendar

  • April 8th, 2011:

    CEBRE debate on Single Market Act (Prague)

  • April 26th, 2011:

    CEBRE debate on Consumer rights (Prague)

  • May 3rd, 2011:

    CEBRE debate on White book on Transport (Brussels)


Flash news

  • Czech maritime policy without the sea

    On 2nd March, the Czech government amended its law on maritime navigation. The Czech Republic was obliged to do so under the threats of sanctions applied by the European Commission. However, the major part of the maritime legislation is irrelevant for the Czech Republic being without the sea as well as a naval fleet.

  • Czechs joined the Charter of International Energy Forum

    The Czech Republic signed the Charter of the International Energy Forum on 22nd February in Riyadh. The Forum is a platform for the world‘s largest producers and consumers of oil and gas products (from OPEC and OECD countries) being established in 1991. The Czech Republic joined the forum in 2002.

  • Four Czech meat products got the EU label

    Špekáček, Lovecký salám, Spišské párky a Liptovský salám are the four Czech meat products that were registered as “traditional specialities guaranteed” (TGC). The registration is the result of intensive cooperation in the agriculture sector between the Czech Republic and Slovakia who jointly applied for the registration.

  • Cutting red-tape in Agriculture

    Ministry of Agriculture established its Anti-bureaucratic commission in 2008 to eliminate bureaucracy in the Agriculture sector. In 2010, the Commission received 65 communications from Czech farmers, out of them 30 were either successfully solved or are nearly to be solved. The farmers communicate with the Ministry via an online questionnaire that was launched on Ministry’s website in November last year.