CEBRE calendar

  • May 9th, 2012:

    CEBRE conference on Competitiveness and Growth (Prague)

  • June 4th-5th, 2012:

    CEBRE Ten-year anniversary (Brussels)

  • June 14th, 2012:

    Sector Seminar on Agriculture and rural development (Brussels)

  • June 27th, 2012:

    Debate on strengthening the role of EU in the world (Prague)


Flash news

  • Many europeans feel underemployed

    According to the data released by EUROSTAT in April, 20.5% of part-time workers in the EU27 in 2011 wished to work more hours and could therefore be considered underemployed. In comparison with other countries the Czech Republic is doing well. The proportion of part-time employees who feel to be underemployed, is 10%. Smaller proportion was found only in the Netherlands and Belgium (both 3%), where part-time working is common, and in Luxembourg (9%).

  • Jessica helps revitalise Moravia-Silesia region in the Czech Republic

    At the end of April 2012, the European Investment Bank (EIB), in its capacity as the manager of the JESSICA Holding Fund Moravia-Silesia, has signed two contracts with Contera UDF MS s.r.o in cooperation with Volksbank CZ a.s. and Českomoravská záruční a rozvojová banka, a.s., establishing two Urban Development Funds to operate in the Moravia-Silesia Region, Czech Republic. The two funds set up with the support of the EIB will initially invest approximately CZK 341 million (EUR 13.7 million) through loans for projects aimed at brownfield revitalisation, development of tourism and improvement of public service infrastructure.