ENERGIZING EUROPE: Green to electric cars

In the times of economic slowdown, electrification of transport can be a challenge and interesting opportunity for industry, technology and environment as well as an impulse for creation of new jobs. 

The European Commission is preparing binding guidelines for standardization of electric cars and all actors involved should consider adopting common standards as soon as possible. Otherwise, industry will have to invest much later to harmonize different technologies with common European norms. For example, at present there are about 90 different types of charging stations. Should electromobility become a reality, users must be able to charge their electric car anywhere throughout Europe. Supportive measures such as dedicated driving lines, easier parking or decreased taxation are also being discussed. 

CEZ Group perceives this field as very perspective and is therefore deeply engaged in development of electric vehicles in the Czech Republic, planning to build a network of 200 public recharging stations. 

Lucie Horova,
CEZ Group

Volume IX, 1-2010
