Czech Ambassador to the EU with CEBRE met the Czech EESC Members

On January 17, H.E. Milena Vicenová, Permanent Representative of the Czech Republic to the EU and her Deputy H.E. Jakub Dürr met Czech Members of the European Economic and Social Committee and CEBRE to discuss the EU hot topics to be dealt with in 2012.

In 2012, the Czech Permanent Representation will mainly focus on the economic governance and financial stability, Internal Market issues, multiannual financial framework discussion and in this context on the future of Cohesion policy and CAP reform, cutting red tape agenda after 2012, trade policy and many other issues. 

In these hard times, Milena Vicenová stressed the importance of the unity and close cooperation among the Member States. In 2012, the EESC calls on politicians and Member states to focus on job creation, growth and leadership when tackling the most urgent crisis issues requiring the most rapid decision-making processes. The EESC wants to make the voice of civil society in the EU´s debates and policy to be heard. In 2012, CEBRE representing the Czech business sector will continue to be involved in the EU legislative process. The Commission is dealing with so many dossiers that the business organisations have hardly time to examine and absorb it. “The EU proposals should be of a high quality rather than quantity”, said Michal Kadera, Director of CEBRE.

Volume XI, 1-2012
