New Single Market Strategy: The Success Depends on Specific Proposals and Implementation

Thorough implementation of legislative acts is crucial for the effective functioning of the internal market. Incomplete application of the Services Directive and of the principle of mutual recognition together with complex administrative procedures still prevent entrepreneurs from cross-border business in the EU. 

With the aim to overcome these remaining barriers on the internal market, the European Commission presented on 25th October a new Single Market Strategy for Goods and Services. The impact of the strategy and its specific measures were discussed by representatives of the European Commission, Czech public administration and Czech businesses at the European House in Prague. “The Commission proposed a series of ambitious and pragmatic initiatives that focus on three areas: creating additional opportunities for consumers, business and free profession; supporting modernization and innovation and providing practical benefits to citizens in their daily lives” informed Eike Klapper of DG GROW. According to Vladimíra Drbalová of Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic, the new strategy can be successful, because it reflects the globalization and digitalization of economic processes and is linked to other EU strategies. Jan Havlík of the Ministry of Trade and Industry of the Czech Republic also confirmed that the new strategy is ambitious and follow-up legislative proposals will be decisive. 

All speakers agreed that the main potential of this strategy is in its emphasis on better enforcement of current legislation and that through the implementation of the legislative acts is crucial for the effective functioning of the internal market.

Volume XIV, 8-2015
